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Sheridan Gates Sheridan Gates

Tips for a Successful Collaboration

Collaborations can be a beautiful way to grow your fanbase, create a unique piece of art, and not feel so isolated, BUT if they aren’t approached correctly, they can turn into a headache for all parties involved. 

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

Community: What Every Developing Artist Needs to Thrive

If you haven't noticed yet, we are big on community here at New Roots! We feel that it is important to grow and develop a supportive community that allows artists to feel welcome to grow at their own pace and freely tell their story. With each new weekend event, webinar, or workshop, we continue to build a community of like-minded artists that envision a future filled with collaboration and support.

We finished yet another incredible New Roots weekend on Sunday — this time with artists from Washington DC, Arizona, and California! Each artist brought a unique story and a passion for sharing their message with the world. There were MANY things that stood out to me about this weekend…

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

Inspiration & Motivation—and Where to Find Them

Inspiration: the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions

Motivation: a motivating force, stimulus, or influence (motive — something, such as a need or desire, that causes a person to act)

Inspiration and motivation can be fleeting, but they are two driving forces in every creative lifestyle.

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Sheridan Gates Sheridan Gates

8 Seasons of an Artist’s Career

I believe the best leaders are the ones who recognize their own boundaries and understand when it’s time to pause, accelerate, pivot and evolve. Think of it like the seasons of your career…here are some seasons you might find yourself in now or down the road.

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

Best Social Media Practices to Help Grow Your Brand in 2023

It’s important to recognize that a substantial following on SM can equate to an increase in collaborative opportunities with other artists, brands, labels, etc.

It’s not about the # of followers as much as it is about the QUALITY of followers. The best way to create high quality followers is to build a community around your message.

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

2023 is On the Horizon—Am I Ready!?

So, I got an email this week from Spotify saying my 2022 Spotify “Wrapped” is almost here…Is it that time already!? I feel like I am still processing the past 2 years. Anyone feel the same? Is it just me!?

This email made me realize just how quickly we are approaching 2023 (32 days left in the calendar year —but who’s counting).

Yes, unfortunately 2023 is knocking at our door. The question is—will we be ready?

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the impending new year, but instead I encourage you to use this moment as inspiration to set personal goals for 2023. To start, ask yourself the following questions:

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Sheridan Gates Sheridan Gates

A Publicist, an Intern and the Rascal Flatts

I was asked the question recently, “What was a time in your life where you felt inspired?” I love that question because it made me think back to all the little conversions and moments I’ve shared that continue to resonate with me today. One particular moment stood out to me that ended up pivoting my life and career before I was even conscious of it.

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

A Music City Staple: The Nashville “Writers’ Round”

Whether you have newly arrived or you are just stopping by, you’ll notice very quickly why Nashville is THE Music City, USA! Live music can be seen any given day, nearly at any given time! And, there are plenty of opportunities to perform live at numerous bars and restaurants, or in writers’ rounds and showcase events.

It is a Nashville staple to perform in a writers’ round and perhaps one of the best ways to network and meet other artists. To help you get started, we’ve compiled some of our favorite Writers’ Round events below. Good Luck!…

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Sheridan Gates Sheridan Gates

Dos & Don’ts for Artists in the Music Industry

Some of these items may seem trivial or basic to some of you….but it’s the little things that go a long way. In this age of email, social media and technology, it’s easy to forget how powerful and impactful a handwritten note and showing up can be. Here are 10 Dos & Don’t for artists in the music scene. 

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

How to Make More Money Playing Live!

Here at New Roots we are adamant about helping artists maximize their performance and capitalize on their worth. As part of this mission, we are constantly on the lookout for new resources that leverage an artist’s abilities to increase their financial gain.

Juke is a streamlined, seamless platform that allows audience members to make live song requests, browse song lists, send tips, and more. The Juke platform is perfect for any artist who is looking to increase their earning potential for an upcoming gig. Plus, all artists receive 100% of their tips, and it’s FREE to join.

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

Best Books to Read for the Holistic Artist (Part 1)

As any musician will tell you, there is SO much more to being an artist than simply making good music.

It’s important to look at an artist career from a holistic perspective—one that includes: business acumen, musical knowledge, mental and physical health practices, as well as an understanding of nutrition and financial literacy.

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

When Should An Artist Seek Management?

Behind the scenes of every successful artist is a hard-working manager. Their job is to oversee all aspects of an artist’s career. So, you might think—all I need is a manager, and I’ll have a prosperous career! Unfortunately, an excellent manager can help you level up, but will not guarantee a successful career in the music industry.

It’s important to understand exactly when an artist should seek management, and what is involved in an artist-manager relationship…

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Sheridan Gates Sheridan Gates

3 Days and the Truth

Another New Roots weekend experience has just come and gone, and I am once again left in awe of the transformations that we witnessed in just a short 3.5 day period…

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

Networking Tips for Musicians

How Networking Helps Musicians:

Networking is EXTREMELY important for musicians and yet it is one of the most difficult aspects of having a successful music career!

An artist who has developed a skill for networking makes room for tremendous opportunity, creativity, and career growth.

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Sheridan Gates Sheridan Gates

YOU get a lane, and YOU get a lane, and YOU get a lane!

As women, we hear time and time again, sadly, that we need to be skinnier, we need to sound like “radio,” we need to wear better clothes….BLEH. Especially for us artists out there, the pressure to fit in and look a certain way is only exacerbated by the endless accounts we follow on our social media…

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

Singing Throughout Your Menstruation Cycle

Our voice serves as a direct connection to our physical and emotional wellbeing. Therefore, it’s important to identify— and perhaps prepare for— any vocal changes that might arise as a result of changes in our body.

Ladies— ever feel like your voice sounds or feels different before, during, or shortly after your period? This is very common for about 33% of female singers. And no, it’s not your fault that your voice changes in this way. It’s most likely your hormones!

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Sheridan Gates Sheridan Gates

An Indie Artist’s Hidden Gem

What if I told you there is a way to pack your own calendar full of tour dates, while making meaningful connections with your fans, while being housed for free, and while making money. The answer…

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