YOU get a lane, and YOU get a lane, and YOU get a lane!

As women, we hear time and time again, sadly, that we need to be skinnier, we need to sound like “radio,” we need to wear better clothes….BLEH. Especially for us artists out there, the pressure to fit in and look a certain way is only exacerbated by the endless accounts we follow on our social media. 

When I first moved to Nashville, I fell into the trap of comparing myself to what I saw on Instagram and trying to force myself into some proverbial box that I only came to find out doesn’t really even exist. If one artist was going live on IG 3 times a week and always had her makeup done and was singing country covers, then I suppose I needed to be doing that as well. And I will never beat myself up for being naive and thinking that, because I had to figure it out by trial and error! 

But this is where this post really comes into play - if I can help a few artists skip some of the mistakes I made along the way, then maybe we can get more women’s voices out into the world sooner! SO, I’m here to give you permission to create your very OWN lane in your artistry. 

The gift that technology has graced us with, is that there are so many “sub genres” out there, and so many different platforms to find your fans, and so many ways to reach different types of fans around the globe, that we DON’T HAVE TO COMPETE. There is room for us ALL.

The second I decided to really believe that sentiment, there was a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I finally realized that…

I can be myself and still have a shot. Hell, by being myself, I’ve got more than a shot - I’ve opened up the door to create a sustainable career for myself because there is nobody to compete with. 

Technology has also made us more self aware as human beings and so I don’t know about you, but I can immediately sniff out when someone is being inauthentic on social media. You can just feel it! Think about the people you follow on socials, are they just trying to look like some weird version of the Kardashians? Or are they truly a Kardashian and unapologetically being themselves (whether you LIKE them or not is a totally different story). We, as consumers, want the TRUTH and the truth of the matter is, that can only come from you deciding to believe that you and your craft are worthy. 

The other massive bonus to owning your own lane in the music industry, is that you get to support others around you without a sense of competition or jealousy which in turn will make you a happier, more fulfilled human. AND, it’s how we make real and impactful change. 

Supporting other women, in particular, and championing them in their lane is how we get more women feeling empowered. When we feel empowered, we speak up. When we speak up, we create new boundaries, new opportunities, and new rules! 

So, friend, please don’t be afraid to be your wonderful, quirky, beautiful, flawed artistic self. We are out here waiting to cheer you on and listen to what your heart has to say. 


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