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A Love Letter to Your Music
Whether or not you have a human (or pet) love in your life, there is another thing out there that us musicians and artists may need to step up and send some metaphorical roses to….our music.
Best Books to Read for the Holistic Artist (Part 1)
As any musician will tell you, there is SO much more to being an artist than simply making good music.
It’s important to look at an artist career from a holistic perspective—one that includes: business acumen, musical knowledge, mental and physical health practices, as well as an understanding of nutrition and financial literacy.
Networking Tips for Musicians
How Networking Helps Musicians:
Networking is EXTREMELY important for musicians and yet it is one of the most difficult aspects of having a successful music career!
An artist who has developed a skill for networking makes room for tremendous opportunity, creativity, and career growth.
YOU get a lane, and YOU get a lane, and YOU get a lane!
As women, we hear time and time again, sadly, that we need to be skinnier, we need to sound like “radio,” we need to wear better clothes….BLEH. Especially for us artists out there, the pressure to fit in and look a certain way is only exacerbated by the endless accounts we follow on our social media…
Singing Throughout Your Menstruation Cycle
Our voice serves as a direct connection to our physical and emotional wellbeing. Therefore, it’s important to identify— and perhaps prepare for— any vocal changes that might arise as a result of changes in our body.
Ladies— ever feel like your voice sounds or feels different before, during, or shortly after your period? This is very common for about 33% of female singers. And no, it’s not your fault that your voice changes in this way. It’s most likely your hormones!
A Guide to Singing with Seasonal Allergies
Is it a cold? No. Is it COVID? Nope! It’s just your allergies telling you that Spring has officially sprung! 🤧
Allergy symptoms can very easily change the quality of your voice and make it difficult to sing normally. BUT, WE CAN FIX THIS!
Becoming (and Remaining) a Confident Musician
Take a moment to answer these questions in your head…
Would you consider yourself to be confident? What does being confident as a musician mean to you? What does confidence LOOK like to you?
We’ve compiled some tips to get you on track towards becoming your CONFIDENT self…