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Sheridan Gates Sheridan Gates

Dos & Don’ts for Artists in the Music Industry

Some of these items may seem trivial or basic to some of you….but it’s the little things that go a long way. In this age of email, social media and technology, it’s easy to forget how powerful and impactful a handwritten note and showing up can be. Here are 10 Dos & Don’t for artists in the music scene. 

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

How to Make More Money Playing Live!

Here at New Roots we are adamant about helping artists maximize their performance and capitalize on their worth. As part of this mission, we are constantly on the lookout for new resources that leverage an artist’s abilities to increase their financial gain.

Juke is a streamlined, seamless platform that allows audience members to make live song requests, browse song lists, send tips, and more. The Juke platform is perfect for any artist who is looking to increase their earning potential for an upcoming gig. Plus, all artists receive 100% of their tips, and it’s FREE to join.

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

Best Books to Read for the Holistic Artist (Part 1)

As any musician will tell you, there is SO much more to being an artist than simply making good music.

It’s important to look at an artist career from a holistic perspective—one that includes: business acumen, musical knowledge, mental and physical health practices, as well as an understanding of nutrition and financial literacy.

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

When Should An Artist Seek Management?

Behind the scenes of every successful artist is a hard-working manager. Their job is to oversee all aspects of an artist’s career. So, you might think—all I need is a manager, and I’ll have a prosperous career! Unfortunately, an excellent manager can help you level up, but will not guarantee a successful career in the music industry.

It’s important to understand exactly when an artist should seek management, and what is involved in an artist-manager relationship…

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