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Mark Thress Mark Thress

Mastering Your Voice: Unrivaled Vocal Exercises for Clarity, Power, and Control

The human voice is the most powerful instrument ever created. It has the ability to convey raw emotion, ignite the deepest of feelings, and transport listeners to imaginary places. While our magnificent instrument holds the key to storytelling, it is not invincible!

I wanted to share a few of the exercises that I use with my artists to help develop their vocal control, tone, and power. Below are three exercises that I have created to help get you started! You may use the audio clips to follow along.

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

How To Warm Up Your Voice In Less Than 10 min. (For When You’re In A Hurry!)

We’ve all been there — rushing to a gig, belting out our songs in the car to try to warm up before hand… Unfortunately, there’s never enough time, you don’t have access to a piano, and it’s hard to focus on your singing!

Warming up your voice is crucial to ensure vocal flexibility, prevent strain, and achieve your best performance. Therefore, it is essential to have efficient warm-up routines that — when you’re in a less than ideal situation — can be completed in a short time period.

I’ve spent years refining my 10 minute warm-up routine to help with this issue. And, I’d like to share some of the exercises with you!

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

Singing Throughout Your Menstruation Cycle

Our voice serves as a direct connection to our physical and emotional wellbeing. Therefore, it’s important to identify— and perhaps prepare for— any vocal changes that might arise as a result of changes in our body.

Ladies— ever feel like your voice sounds or feels different before, during, or shortly after your period? This is very common for about 33% of female singers. And no, it’s not your fault that your voice changes in this way. It’s most likely your hormones!

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Mark Thress Mark Thress

A Guide to Singing with Seasonal Allergies

Is it a cold? No. Is it COVID? Nope! It’s just your allergies telling you that Spring has officially sprung! 🤧

Allergy symptoms can very easily change the quality of your voice and make it difficult to sing normally. BUT, WE CAN FIX THIS!

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